I come from sunshine on Christmas, mule skinner poker rides and free methodist campouts.
I come from a long boring stretch of highway, and a small hometown surrounded by one horse towns. I come from air that makes you wish you could inhale exclusivley.
I come from Awanas - the green team to be exact.
I come from Pasqualie's pizza and salt water sandals.
I come from brick and flannel.
I come from county fair elephant ears and the fondue of one very fine German restaurant.
I come from the warmth and sounds of California beaches and the smells and storms on the Oregon coast.
I come from the odor and eternal hauntings of numerous home perms, which jockey the smells of a skunk, of which I am also from.
I come from old rusty orange trucks and golden retriever pups.
I come from summer camps and Crystal Gayle songs.
I come from the Irish and also from those less lucky and proud.
I come from poison oak and the magical world of Disney.
I come from the taste of Lemon Custard and Praline Pecan.
I come from good times-great times and a place where God's grace covers everything else in between.