Don't quote me on that, I'm just quoting the sign the strikers had displayed outside the store on the sidewalk. I don't know if they really feel that way or if they are just required to strike and picket as members of their particular labor union, but I honk for them as I drive by. I figure why not raise the morale a little. They have to stand in the rain for four hour shifts, the least I can do is honk. Maybe it gives them the allusion that they are being heard or change is coming. If nothing else it gives them something to think about over the next couple of hours. Did she honk because she's for us or against us? Well, I honk to say, "YEAH!" or "Down with the man!" or "You tell 'em!" or "That'll teach them to overhire underqualified people!" I don't know, it's open to interpretation. I'm not saying don't shop Home Depot, I'm just honking. You can too if you want.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
"Don't Shop Home Depot"
Don't quote me on that, I'm just quoting the sign the strikers had displayed outside the store on the sidewalk. I don't know if they really feel that way or if they are just required to strike and picket as members of their particular labor union, but I honk for them as I drive by. I figure why not raise the morale a little. They have to stand in the rain for four hour shifts, the least I can do is honk. Maybe it gives them the allusion that they are being heard or change is coming. If nothing else it gives them something to think about over the next couple of hours. Did she honk because she's for us or against us? Well, I honk to say, "YEAH!" or "Down with the man!" or "You tell 'em!" or "That'll teach them to overhire underqualified people!" I don't know, it's open to interpretation. I'm not saying don't shop Home Depot, I'm just honking. You can too if you want.
Manifestos of a Middle Child