Monday, October 13, 2008

Devlyn, Devlyn, Devlyn...33!!!

Devlyn turned 33 yesterday, so in honor of his birthday I am posting-not 33 pictures of him, because I doubt that's what most of you really want to see-but 33 pictures of things he loves! Don't worry, I don't think there's quite 33 pictures (uploading takes awhile and I was getting impatient).

He loves to watch baseball, especially live games like this Mariner's game (I can't remember nor can I tell who they are playing, nor do I recall ever knowing who they were playing though I was there with him).

He loves chickens. I'm serious. I don't know what else to say about this one.

He loves dressing Charley up like an Eskimo baby and taking her sledding.

He loves his friends and his truck. He loves it when his truck brings his friends together.
(Scroll down a few posts to learn more about this incident.)

He loves it when Matt Brein wears his footed, sleeper jammies and rolls around on the ground with babies. Really, it brings him great, disturbing, joy-his favorite kind.

He loves it when he gets salt water in his eyes.

And...when he gets sand in his eyes!

He loves to show off large structures that he's "built"

And even larger structures or bridges, or gates, or damns...all right, you're onto me...I'm not sure what this is!

This is my sister, Boo (with Charley) he loves Boo!
Sidenote: My sister came over to "help" me with my new infant-notice which one is sleeping and which one is red in the face from screaming.

This is my brother Gabe on the left, Devlyn loves Gabe. My "other brother" Jeremiah is the one on the right. I'm not sure why Devlyn doesn't love him, I'll have to ask him.

See, Devlyn loves Gabe so much, here's another picture of him. In this picture, Gabe's saying, "What's not to love?"

He loves dirt biking in the Mohave Desert. He wishes I'd let him get a dirt bike or a motorcycle, but in the meantime he'll just have to rely on my dad who's historically provided all the dangerous things for his kids to do.

Devlyn loves the psychadelic murals that McMenamins has on their walls in their freaky old buildings. This particular one was his screen saver for months.

Speaking of freaky...where there's licorice ice cream, there are gross looking tongues.

Jet skiing (also provided by my dad) makes for great father-son matching hair!

Here Devlyn's playing "king of the mountain" with Ryan Sprunger and Aaron McNelly- the floating, water trampoline version. This particular incident prevented us from having kids for awhile.
Devlyn likes acupuncture and to be he is doing both.

This is a good one, because it capturers several things Devlyn loves. 1. our puppy, Daisy 2. Daisy's boy, Chase 3. His old Mazda RX7 (He had to sell it, don't bring it up, it's a sore subject)

Dune buggies. Dune buggying? Also provided by my dad.

Home Improvement projects! Devlyn can't get enough of these!

Coffee. Seriously, here he is hugging a coffee bean plant...bush? tree?...whatever, he's hugging it!

Diet Coke. Notice his grip of death on the can. Diet Coke has also prevented us from having kids for awhile. It's a long story.

Dance baby dance! He won't admit it, but he loves to dance! When he thinks no one is watching, he'll bust a move! Me catching it on camera is like getting a picture of big foot!

He loves his guitar. Need I say more?

Eggs, bacon and grits. Yes, grits. It's a strange phenomenon that he's passed onto our daughter.

Shooting guns. Also provided by my dad. Don't worry, he's teaching Chase gun safety 101 here-I'm sure!

And, drum roll please....ME! He loves me, really. I know you can't tell from this picture, but he especially loves to close his eyes and pretend he doesn't think I'm funny. He strums his guitar strings with all his might and tries desperately to escape to his happy place, but deep down he knows...I'm there too!
Manifestos of a Middle Child