I know it's OMSI, calm down! That's just what Chase used to call it when he was little. Anyway, despite all the wit, charm, blood, sweat and tears I put into my posts here...you all seem to want nothing more than pictures of Charley. Seriously I work so hard to get the comments on my "clever" posts to outnumber the comments on my "kid" posts and they never do. NEVER! So I will pretend for today that this blog is not here just to glorify myself and my own selfish ambitions, but about the readers. Really it's about you guys and what you want! REALLY! Here are some picts from our OSMI visit last week to prove it!

This is the water feature. It's sort of like playing in the backyard in the pool except it's raised up to the kids' level so they don't have to risk any back injury from bending over. Scientists think of stuff like that.

Notice the waterproof smock and rubber boots they provide! Scientists think of everything. Charley picked hers out herself. Notice how they match-not a coincidence-that's the kind of stuff Charley thinks of.

An then there was the play dough, I mean "flubber" table. Again something that could probably be recreated at home, but is so much more fun at OSMI with the little pint size tables and chairs and the neat little individual trays.

This is Silas, he's one of the W's we went with. He's the one who informed that the purple substance was not play dough but in fact, flubber.

This is Devon, he's another W. He was making a ball of flubber so he could "bounce" it. He knew all about flubber and it's bouncing properties. He saw it in a movie-I mean documentary-once.
Smile Devon! Smile! SMILE!!!
He's the rebel of the bunch.

Smile Devon! Smile! SMILE!!!
He's the rebel of the bunch.

Charley's favorite part was the scissors. She's fascinated with our scissors at home, partly because they look cool-we have several pairs in different shapes and colors-and partly because she's not allowed to have them. Here she is looking at me seriously, telling me that "these are my scissors, they are just for Charley's. You can't have them Mommy because they are very, very dangerous!" Being able to give that speech alone may have been her most favorite part.

Here's another pair for her collection. Her less solemn look her is saying something more like, "I'm playing with scissors! I'm playing with scissors!"

And finally she got bored with the scissors and found another tool that looked real-something mom actually has and uses at home-and took to "mashing" and "quashing" and "macking" the flubber. (She doesn't say her S's when they are at the beginning of a word.) Also, notice her crooked part. I did that on purpose. It was an artistic expression meant to raise awareness of how wiggly my daughter is.

Here's "baby Omi" (Naomi) she's the youngest W. I think she's doing a dance routine her mom taught her. Her mom was a cheerleader.