Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Ford Story

On Sunday some guys came over to help something related to his old truck that graces our driveway with it's rusty, "vintage" presence. Let's see if we can get some insight into the male...mind? Behavior patterns? I'm really not sure what we're looking for here, but follow me if you dare.

Hmmm...curious. Very curious.

Hey what are you guys all looking for? Did you lose something?

Yeah! Jump up and down on him like that!

Where'd he go? No, you can't pull him up that way!

You okay babe? Are your friends hurting you? This is what you invited them over for right?

I'm sorry Webber, someone's butt had to be front and center at some point.
Nice flip flops Glos.

Hey guys! I found the hood! It's not in the engine after's right, oh never mind.

They never listen to me.
Manifestos of a Middle Child