Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Crawdad's Fate; A Picture Story

It has come to my attention that there are many pictures on my hard drive just sitting there. Not in a physical scrapbook, not even in a virtual scrapbook, but just sitting there. So it's story telling time folks. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so at the painful thought of me not using anymore words, I give you "A Photographic Memoir" for lack of a better title.

Boy meets creek. (Okay there will some narration!) Boy meets bucket and creek!

Boy hunts crawdad and finds a crawdad!

Boy is scared of crawdad and calls for backup...of the dad kind.

That's better. Now boy feels tough again.

Boy is successful. Boy feels proud!

Crawdad feels less successful, and a little it getting hot in here? Why am I magenta?!!
Manifestos of a Middle Child