You know how when you're young, you are totally immersed in your own immediate family's culture? Well at some point you start to get a glimpse of other family's cultural norms and it's a little bit shocking because you thought everyone's parents were like yours and so on and so forth. Then you realize, that when you grow up, you can do things however you want!
I remember being about ten and spending the night at my friend Jacqueline's house. She was a friend from church whom I loved. She was fun, fun, fun. So naturally I was very excited to sleep over at her house. Before I describe my experience, you should know that we were renting a house in Southern California on a very tight budget. I am the second oldest of four kids whom my mother stayed home to home school...not just me, but all four kids!
Okay so having said that let's go to Jacqueline's. Her house was in a beautiful neighborhood in Glendale. I ran up the steps and waved to my mom, signaling to her and the suburban to please leave now so I could start having the time of my life.
The inside was just as beautiful as the outside, boasting a spiral staircase, gorgeous hardwood floors with expensive looking rugs on them and a big shiny kitchen with barstools that matched their kitchen table and chairs. Everything matched. I decided then that when I grew up, I wanted a spiral staircase.
It was just about dark at the time I arrived but Jacqueline wanted me to go out into the backyard with her and meet her dog Bell. Bell was a young black lab. I'd say puppy but you know how they get big and look full size but are still puppy-like? That was Bell. I was at that time, very fearful of dogs. All dogs. But Jacqueline was persistent, really wanting me to pet Bell. She tried to hold her still, straddling her using her whole legs and holding her head with her hands. This didn't make Bell look calm and friendly, it made her look psychotic as she was trying to wrestle Jacqueline out of this pinned position she found herself in. "She's a really nice dog!" Jacqueline insisted. Bell foamed at the mouth. "She won't bite you. And if she does, she'll get hit on the nose really hard!" What?? I didn't want her to get hit on the nose, I wanted her to NOT bite me! Finally Jacqueline's dad came to my rescue, "I don't think Jessica wants to pet Bell." I was not going to have a dog when I grew up.
That evening Jacqueline's parents were going out for dinner and a movie with some friends. This was something my parents never did, remember the tight budget? They got all dressed up and left us with Jacqueline's older sister, Katherine. Katherine was thirteen. Katherine had a friend over that night as well, Kate. She was equally as cool as Katherine.
In no time at all the older girls had decided to do a fashion show with Jacqueline and I as their models. Kate took Jacqueline as her protege and I was Katherine's. She did my hair, put together outfits for me and Jacqueline and I took turns strutting down the runway, I mean hallway, while the older girls announced what we were wearing. "Jessica is wearing faded wash, bootcut jeans from The Limited, with a light blue oxford shirt under a yellow cardigan also from The Limited." I had never heard of The Limited, but I was shopping there in my future life as well.
Later that night, the girls showed us the dance to My Achey Breaky Heart. They had learned it in gym class at school. I was going to public school in my future life. That and definitely getting an older sister.