This is Tanner Johnson (the one on the right). He goes to our church and I believe he's in high school. He plays the violin beautifully....unlike me (see below).
Devlyn wants to kidnap him. That's right. I don't know what it is. Could be the hair, could be his size (I must admit, he is the perfect kidnapping size) just something about him makes Devlyn want to drive by and throw him in a white, windowless, van. We've talked about doing this several times.
It started one day when we were out driving, running errands, I suppose and we saw Tanner at a bus stop in Oregon City. It was on top o' the hill, a very unsuspecting location for sure! However, there were a couple of problems with our plan (I say "our" because we're married and part of the deal is that we suck each other into weird stuff that comes out of our heads, weird stuff like this). First of all, we didn't have a van. We had a little SUV with two kids in it. So, not real threatening. Second of all, we decided it would take at least two guys to pull this off (we are not two GUYS). And the guys should be a little more intimidating than Devlyn. You know, bigger, balder, maybe have some tatoos, maybe someone like Jim Chapin?
The other dilemma wasn't really a dilemma after all. See Tanner had a bunch of friends with him. But these were for the most part pint size punks. So we didn't think they would deter the mission at all and actually would serve as a bonus. If you're going to try to pull something like this off, you kind of need an audience to make it all worth it.
So, if you know Tanner, you might want to tell him that weather he knows it or not, he's just walking around begging to be kidnapped! One of these days Devlyn just might abscond with him! That is if he ever gets the right crew of guys, white van-oh and music! We decided the perfect music to be playing in the background would be Shakira's "Objection Tango"-that's also our bank robbing music, but that's a different story.